Sunday 23 June 2013

The Fed and emerging markets: The end of the affair

THERE are many reasons why a fund manager might want to sell the rand. South Africa’s economy is barely growing. Unemployment, at 25% of the workforce, is on a par with the grimmest parts of the euro zone. The mining industry is beset by labour unrest just as commodity prices are falling. The country’s large trade deficit is a sign that local producers are struggling in vain against foreign competition. The rand has fallen by 16% against the US dollar this year. Only the Syrian pound and Venezuelan bolívar have fared worse.

Yet these local difficulties are not the only reasons for the rand’s slump. South Africa has the financial markets of a rich country: it is easier to buy and sell bonds and stocks there than in most middle-income countries. So the rand is a convenient currency in which speculators can take a position on emerging markets more generally. As the fast-money crowd sense the beginning of the end of loose monetary policy in America, bonds and currencies in emerging markets are the assets they want to sell. The rand is merely the worst-hit in a long list of vulnerable currencies.

In the past month 19 of the 24 emerging-market currencies tracked by Bloomberg have fallen in value against the dollar. The trigger for this sell-off was a remark in May by the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, that the Fed’s purchases of bonds using central-bank money might soon tail off.